
Showing posts from September, 2016

into the EYE of the TIGER

I surprised even myself. I have been creating customized PLAYLISTS in iTunes for my various listening habits: going from mild classical to loud rock (Van Halen'ish). While assembling these playlists, it was so worth it!! At the same time, I would add them to or CREATE personalised lists ::... like LOVELY music ....:: or this one entitled GOODIES: then just play RANDOM and sit back and listen. While you play your online game, chat with someone, posting or writing something .... I'm that certain that you'll enjoy it as much as I DO:…/idpl.b3dbc0bf3a064214ba3ac4c821b… Hint:  I'm listening to "EYE of the TIGER" by "Survivor" if that isn't a refresh on the 80s eh? OR THIS: Unstoppable from SIA audio only WOW a new favorite photo thx to  Steven Krohn  @stevekrohn for sharing ... Someone I really look up to both I imagine figuratively since I'm HUGE at 5 ft rounded up to the nearest 0 ... I watch w

First impressions BIAS

a REFLECTIVE reflection The following blog was originally written and posted on my " A Commentary " blog (without the lead in image above, I added that now).   I was reviewing what I had written and realized it is something that I usually cover in MEANDERINGSabout blog.  Then I got to thinking, not unusual for me after the sun goes down, it is more reflective than reactive .... there are areas pertinent to The optioneerJM blog here.   So, I decided to do it more like a social media experiment.  Is there any benefit to cross-linking internally.  Meaning, three blogs under the same umbrella with Google:  could they help increase the reaction or traction to the original blog, or is the reaction (meaning clicks) coming from mostly those who subscribe independently.   Google's analytics for Blogs is superior to most.  As a blogger with Word Press I did forewarn that I was going to start comparing the values each bring.   There is a lot of power behind Google,

Publishing is a real PURPOSE

Spot check You hit your fifties and go POOF ~ accomplishments fail or pass?  As detailed as the most mathematical mind or mental energist (which I describe myself). OR, you are at a more refined, experienced age (if you want to put a different spin on it), knowing what you like, what you are open to considering, but you have hit the peak or climax of your bullshitter meter:  you are maxed out.  There is little you haven't heard of or at least don't gasp in horror if you haven't, in fact, heard of it. YOU know what you like or don't like, with the balance of the scale in age: isn't that unimaginable almost.  It was to me until I drew it all out (on my handy dandy PAINT app by #MicroSoft) how in life you start in one spectrum, gravitating towards the polar opposite in so many ways. LISTEN to some music from your iTUNES library that is mild and mellow.  Then, let's have a conversation ~ OK?  You want to know first what I'm listening to?  OK:  My

The FUEL and the NORM

OptioneerJM The Optioneer JM on blogspot is fueled by Google, recently announced as the LARGEST and MOST POWERFUL corporation in the world:  jumping ahead of APPLE.  In the mad dash for content, what are they really seeking?  I'm going to say, like any major technical organization or corporation, they are driving to capture data.  Data is the new currency, in the next emblem of intelligence in the world, what is going on, containing information that provides statistics and personal persuasion (a hard word to spell!):   how much are you REALLY worth?  #bestQUOTE #bestofeverything We've been trained to think our net worth is the physical material possessions from coin collections to wealth in terms of money times two as net worth.  In reality, today's top currency will be and is gradually being commanded by those who possess intellectual communicative persuasive international language that is pushed out into the world as content.   The most prolific are ideas that