creativity inspired inspiration

Blow your horn.
If nobody hears it.  No harm no foul.
If somebody hears it and likes the beat of the drum.

I figure nobody reads much
unless renowned.  Then the thump of nations
echo through all sounds. 

So why not be engaged in laughter?
From a giggle to a snort. 
A way to evade the real world
full of evil and dismay.

If one can poke fun at oneself
regardless of one's name.
That is the gift of optimism.
For the greater good.

Join in music, hum along with heart.
Who cares if anyone listens.
You are becoming one with your heart
that echoes within your soul.

Do what YOU love.
Regardless of acclaim.
You do it because YOU love it.
It doesn't need any fame.

The glue that sticks us all together
is filled with optimism and hope.
Drowning out the empty noise 
of anything of fame or violence or corruption.

If we heed only the automatic reaction
to the reflection of others grief.
We are desperately trying to get relief
from sorrow, heartache, despondency.

Gravitate together.
Those whom want to celebrate 
the beauty and the art around us
is how we became glued
to each other in gratitude.

Strike out everyone
to inspire and motivate each other.
Banish anything to do with fear
.... or porn .... or scorn.

Singularly assembled
for the greater good of everyone.
Not where prejudice or spite or bullying
are permitted to reside.

A club of big believers
that the world can be a better place.
For all ages, all genders, all religions,
all beliefs, all colors of skin, for every race.

Champion the good ones
so that they can learn to be great!
Nobody ever starts out at the top
in every situation, every lifestyle,
every talent comes from inspiration.

Inspiration and motivation
surfaces with grace, praise and engagement.
Corruption arises from malice, ego, greed.
The aforementioned to be accommodated
to give voice.  For learning and understanding
to unravel and unfold.

Mystery and adventure
can be achieved by the imagination 
you can miraculously unlaced.
Without knots and NOTS
free to explore the wonders
to be reached.

Thank you for joining me for my reflection in a poetic form.  It speaks to me, about me and what I'm all about.  Trying to help others.  Maybe inspire one or two?  Stretching my own imagination to the endless possibilities in store.


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